International News

No compromise with Modi govt, says Bhatt after court proposal

Suspended IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt refused to make any compromise with the Gujarat government after a local court proposed that if he went on police remand for about three hours his bail plea could be heard today itself.
The response by Bhatt, who has accused Chief Minister Narendra Modi of complicity in 2002 post-Godhra riots, came after Sessions Judge G.N. Patel made the proposal during hearing on the state government's revision application for his remand.
"I cannot compromise with those goons. Whatever wrong the government wants to do I do not care. I will tolerate it," Bhatt said in the open court.
Bhatt's lawyer Sayed said: "The court suggested to Bhatt that he should go for two or three hours remand and his bail application will be heard later in the day.
"To this suggestion, Bhatt told the judge that he would not go for any compromise on this. Bhatt further said to the judge that he believ

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Sayed said Bhatt is ready to be in jail for a longer duration but he will not compromise on his principles and was confident that the rule of law will prevail.
The court reserved the order on the state government's remand revision application of Bhatt for October 7.
Bhatt has already filed a bail plea before Sessions Judge V.K. Vyas who adjourned the hearing for tomorrow. The Gujarat government had yesterday challenged in the sessions court a magisterial court's order denying remand of Bhatt, arrested last Friday for allegedly threatening and forcing a constable to sign a false affidavit.
Judge Patel reserved the order on the remand revision application for October 7.
During the hearing before Judge Patel, Sayed contended that the revision remand application of the state government was not maintainable in law.
He cited a Supreme Court judgement which said that granting or rejecting of remand was an interlocutory order and there cannot be revision of that order as per section 397(2) of the CrPC.
Sayed said that in view of the apex court judgement the government application is not maintainable and should be rejected.
On the government side, public prosecutor Pravin Trivedi argued that the state government has a right to seek revision of the remand once it is rejected.
After the order was reserved, Bhatt who was present in the court told the judge that he would like to assist the court and remain present during pronouncement of the order but the judge said that his presence was not required and he also asked the jail authorities not to bring him to court on October 7.
Bhatt was arrested in connection with an FIR filed against him by police constable K.D. Pant in June for allegedly threatening him and making him sign false affidavits regarding a meeting called by Modi on February 27, 2002, hours after the Godhra train carnage.
On October 1, Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate B.G. Doshi had rejected the state government's demand for seven days police custody of Bhatt and remanded him in judicial custody.
The government had challenged the magistrate's order and sought Bhatt's custody on the grounds that it wanted to know how the IPS officer had used the affidavits signed by Pant.
The government contended that Bhatt's custody was required to find out about others involved in the conspiracy, and also to ascertain whether the IPS officer had sent the affidavits to somebody using emails.
The government further said that it also wanted to know how many bank lockers did Bhatt have and what was inside them.

The other side of Mr Bachchan

Chetan Bhagat slams Narayana Murthy after IIT comment

Chetan Bhagat, an IIT alumnus turned-celebrity writer, took umbrage at Infosys chairman emeritus N.R. Narayana Murthy's 'sweeping' comments on the quality of engineers churned out by premier IITs.
Slamming Murthy, Bhagat said today that such comments should not have come from a person who runs a 'body shopping' company and calls it 'hi-tech'.
"It is ironic when someone who runs a body shopping company and calls it hi-tech, makes sweeping comments on the quality of IIT students," said Bhagat in a tweet on the microblogging site Twitter.
Taking up cudgels for the students from the country's centres of excellence, Bhagat referred to the contribution of IIT students in the making of Information Technology(IT) major Infosys.
"IITians have made a great contribution in making Infosys what it is. Hope people remember that," said Bhagat, who did his Mechanical Engineering from IIT, Delhi.
In Bhagat's view, Murthy should not have been so 'sweepingly highanded'.
"Mr Murthy had a point, but wish he wasn't so sweepingly high handed. Fix the system. No point judging students," he said.
Voicing his displeasure over the quality of engineers that pass out of the IITs, Murthy said the majority of these students fared poorly at jobs and global institutions of higher education.
Addressing a gathering of hundreds of former IITians at a 'Pan IIT' summit in New York, Murthy said the quality of students entering Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) has deteriorated over the years due to the coaching classes that prepare engineering aspirants.
It is for the second time that Bhagat has reacted strongly when questions were raised about the IITs.
When the outspoken Union Minister Jairam Ramesh kicked of a controversy with his remark that the faculty at the country's premier engineering institutes, the IITs, is not world class, Bhagat rebuffed him asking how many politicians in India were world class.
Ramesh had however said that students of the IITs are world class.

Meet the in-betweenists

No regrets

Man ends life in Hyderabad; Telangana angle suspected

In what appears to be yet another case of suicide for the cause of separate Telangana, a 45-year-old man today hanged himself here, police said.
Locals found the body of K. Chandramouli hanging from an electric pole near municipal office on Uppal Road, and alerted the police.
A photo copy of the ration card of Chandramouli, who worked in a private firm, was recovered from him.
Kanduva (scarf) of Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) was wrapped around his body and 'Jai Telangana' (popular slogan of statehood supporters) was found written on one side of the photo copy, they said.
As the body was brought down from the tower, pro- Telangana activists reached the spot.
Police dispersed them and shifted the body to a nearby hospital for post-mortem and later handed it over to his family members, an officer said.
Further investigation was on. There had been sporadic reports of Telangana supporters committing suicide since last year in support of the statehood cause.

Bruce Lee is my God